There exist those days that a person never forgets. Who never lived a moment of great happiness?... It was on the seventh day of September of 1989, day of the commemoration of the independence of Brazil, some days after I had viewed the documentary special about Daniel produced by the journalist Mônica Teixeira. Although I Am far from having the power of associating precise dates with events that I have lived, this is the date of the dedication in his book that I received from Daniel on the day that I met him. "Independence and life!", thus he wrote among those letters of pleasure on our meeting... and thus I felt an indelible impression in my memory, that will accompany me always, until the day on which love and fraternity shall be fed by my intentions.

    Coincidentally with the National Day, Daniel represented for me the personification of the patriotic communion, the utopia of union between the citizens of a society, of dignity, of justice, of love... That unconditional sentiment of our wanting to feel for our son, for our blood brother that, once lived with a profound intensity, expands itself and exceeds any family ties, concluding in love for all.


    Yes, I love him. For all for which he struggled, I love the gift, the verve, the courage, the deftness and the lucidity of his handling in the treatment of political representation founded in justice, in liberty and in love. He represented me in the world. The emotional quality of desiring a society humanized, free and just transformed itself into something reasonable, clearly logical.


    I reflected, within my restricted intellectual universe, on who were the great wise political masters, aside from being illuminated and fraternal men.

    Daniel was certainly a being illuminated by the projects and by his humanist longings, by his character and by his joy. On the only opportunity I had to accompany him to a discussion, I saw citizens become emotional on hearing his explanations. On this occasion, he expanded on his solidarity thought based on the demistification of the burden of stigmas that surround AIDS and kill more than the virus itself. Perhaps these citizens sensed in those words a universe of ideas very akin, their longings, a concrete interpretion of love, that moved many present to cry and others to write notes of thanks... but I should like to support the idea that that singular friend whom I loved so much was a very special and powerful spirit. In reality, he was this forme, and perhaps the totality of his work can move you also to the extent that it can render and stimulate a fraternal, humanitarian and liberating impulse in your being, bringing it to action, life and solidarity!!

    I conclude with a refrain used by Daniel in his texts of the period of the Grupo pela VIDDA (Group for Life): "Vida a vida!" ("Long live life!")

    Ricardo Orsi

Stretch of music "Vento no litoral" (Wind on the cost by Russo/Bonfá/Villa-Lobos) - sung Legião Urbana:

Stretch of music "Vento no litoral" (Wind on the cost)
(by Russo/Bonfá/Villa-Lobos) - sung Legião Urbana